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We offer Latest version 7.0.0 for the iTelSwitch and it comes with Mobile Billing interface and multiple Reseller Billing Interfaces to give to each of your Resellers.

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We offer Latest version 7.0.0 for the iTelSwitch and it comes with Mobile Billing interface and multiple Reseller Billing Interfaces to give to each of your Resellers. Empty We offer Latest version 7.0.0 for the iTelSwitch and it comes with Mobile Billing interface and multiple Reseller Billing Interfaces to give to each of your Resellers.

Post  nithin6 Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:01 am


We, www.datasoft.ws , are the biggest reseller of iTel Dialers and iTelSwitch. We offer the lowest price for these products.

We offer Latest version 7.0.0 for the iTelSwitch and it comes with Mobile Billing interface and multiple Reseller Billing Interfaces to give to each of your Resellers.

iTelSwitch 8 Core 8 GB Dedicated Server - $119 per Month. iTelSwitch 8 Core 8 GB Cloud Server - $89 per Month.
iTelSwitch and iTel Dialers with ByteSaver - $188 Per month.
iTel Dialers with ByteSaver - $129 Per month.
Voipswitch 8 Core 8 Dedicated Server - $89 Per month.
Voipswitch 8 Core 8 Cloud Server - $59 Per month.
Voipswitch and iTel Dialer with ByteSaver - $188 Per month.

4 Core 4 GB Cloud Server - $8 per month
8 Core 8 GB Dedicated Server - $39 per month

Visit www.datasoft.ws for more details

iTel Dialers are the best Anti-Block Dialers available as of now with fully encrypted Dialer to Dialer call.

We give 40 Public IP with each Bytesaver, and we dynamically change Bytesaver IP when a Blockage occurs.



Posts : 437
Join date : 2013-07-26

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